Why Play?


Our children and grandchildren are impatiently waiting for

more ethical reflections, decision-making and actions towards building a better and sustainable world.  


This in many areas and at all levels nationwide around the world recognizing the global need to reaching out for a better future by pursuing democratic principles and ethical values. 

By raising play to the status it deserves we can help making the world into a better place.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a tool to pursue building a better future..

Question - Build - Share - Reflect

From what to why to how..wondering

What is a good life?                                         

What does relations, dignity and engagement mean?  

What is sustainable behavior in society?

Why do we go to school?

Why do societies need democracy?

Why do we want responsible organisations?

How could school be without bullying?

How would the world be without greed?

How to prevent the climate change, preserve nature and rebuild its diversity?

How do we play emergence for freedom, equality and justice?

Play serves creativity, our wondering and imagination while developing our (fine)motor skills and physical, cognitive and emotional strength. In communities we are more safe and secure, when we provide space for play, reflexivity, caring and sharing.

Therefore also most schools, institutions and organisations today needs to be transformed into and revitalizing the soul of playfulness, philosophical and independent thinking and creativity to develop societies and cultures and preserve nature.

A call which obliges us to explore what is at stake, how values given substance and kept alive nationwide around the world.

Getting to the core, which has emotional and existential significance and makes sense.

Love - Kindness - Revenge – Justice – Egality – Hate - Freedom – Belief –  Friendship - Power - Death - Honesty - Fairness - Loyalty – Courage – Sharing - Generosity - Happiness – Passion

Values - Purpose - Philosophy - Moral - Climate -Critical Thinking - Respect - Law and Order – Secularity - (Global) Citizenship - Emotions - Greed - Ignorance - Common Sense - Hybris - Community - Sustainability - Well-Being - Knowledge – UN. Children's` Rights` –  Enlightenment – Art – Music – Dance – Family - Having a Voice – Play – Rules – Soul – Faith - Corruption – Enemy - Talented - Gifted - Fights/(Cyper)Bullying – War – Wisdom - Money – Helping – Balance - Gluttony - Fear – Identity - Feelings – Experiences – Sport – Right or Wrong – Truth or False – Opening doors – Lie – Cheat – Chain – Poor – Poverty – Nature – Play Skills – Fun – Together/Strong – Diversity – Ideology – Food – Water –

Forms of play are able to help us sharpening our critical and reflective thinking, which is a crucial part of our lifelong practicing, practicing and practicing to be, behave socially and act ethically.

Proably one of the best defenses against thought-control, oppression and an intrusive teaching and learning tyranny.